Jul Procedure for obtaining domicile certificate in Maharashtra. The prescribed application forms are either available online or from the local authorities, i. Domicile Certificate is a document that certifies a person is resident in a particular . The application forms are available at Office of Collector of Mumbai, Ground floor,. Check how to apply for Age nationality and domicile provided by the revenue department,Govt. An application in the prescribed format, available at the Tehsildar office, should .
Hey, Vijay you can get application for domicile from Tehsil Office in your District, and. Online Citizen Services. Your Service Our Guarantee. Government Of Maharashtra encourages all citizens of Maharashtra to have Aadhaar.
Login to the MahaDBT Portal, under the Application Tracking menu, the . Aaple Sarkar DBT is the highest priority and focus area of the Government of Maharashtra. When a person dies, it is the law of their domicile that determines how their will is interprete or if the person has . He also explained the entire procedure in detail. State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.