Nov An overview of a patent application and maintenance process. Obtaining a patent on an invention is a way to secure your exclusive rights. If you are able to handle the process yourself, you could save thousands of dollars. To obtain a patent , follow these steps: Work on your invention and document the entire process.
Confirm that you have an invention, not merely an idea.
Consider whether your invention is commercially viable. Hire a patent attorney. Submit a provisional patent application. Feb Be sure to invent something before you apply for a patent.
Though this sounds like a silly thing to say, remember that to obtain a patent you . Obtaining patents is not easy for the uninitiate and without some . Dec - Dec Certified Patent Valuation. A patent application is a request pending at a patent office for the grant of a patent for an.
The process of obtaining the grant of a patent begins with the preparation of a specification describing the invention. That specification is filed at a . Aug Overall patent process The patent process for obtaining a patent protection involves 1) a patentability opinion, 2) preparation and filing of the .